Saturday, January 17, 2009


Last night the missionaries and a Spanish-speaking family they're teaching came over (Edgar and I are ward missionaries, called to work with the Spanish speakers).  The Elders had a little game that involved opening up bubble gum and chewing it.  I foolishly let Ruben have some gum and he somehow got it on his neck.  I was trying to scrape it off and it hurt, so he yelled, "I'm going to die!"  Then he told me he needs a new neck.

I like some of the things our kids have said of late.  Lili gave me a picture of a heart she made for my birthday and told me she gave me a heart because she "loveded" me.  I hope she still does and it not just double-past tense.

On my birthday Liliana and Ruben went to a birthday party.  Edgar and I took advantage of the free babysitting and went to dinner.  The party had an "under the sea" theme and each child left with a goldfish.  We have recently gone through three goldfish in quick secession.  When the first one passed on, Lili was really upset, so Edgar quietly disposed of the second and third ones when they went the way of all the earth.  On our drive home, Liliana said, "When (not if) my goldfish dies, I want to bury it."  I guess she has a good grip on reality.

Ruben has started saying the following prayer, "Heavenly Father, we miss you."  I never would have thought to say that in a prayer, but I like it.  This week we found out that he no longer qualifies for Speech Therapy.  The teacher said, "You don't have to come back, Ruben."  He "loveded" going, so he said, "I will!"  We decided we could visit . . .  sometime.  During the test, he said some funny, but factual things.

"Ruben, what's the opposite of good?"


"Ruben, a ladybug is little, but an elephant is _____________."

"Eating the ladybug!"

Marcos doesn't say many words, but he does squeal and laugh in delight.

Aren't kids fun?  Here are some pictures of us of late:

Lili invited the cousins next door to a tea party.  They were so nice and not only humored her, but got really into it, dressing up for the occasion.  Carolina even walked over in flip flops!  Yes, it is January, but she's a Johnson.
Don't tell my in-laws, but we returned some of their Christmas gifts to us (our kids had too much) and bought the kids snow pants and a sled.  If only the children could have brought themselves to look at the camera (and the sun) at the same time!

And here's the chubby-bubby, roly-poly, fun-loving, laughy-jokey, should-be-in-a-country-song one:
Wearing Grandpa's hat:


Thelma said...

What adorable pictures and darling children you have.

I'm wondering what exactly Marcos keeps in those cheeks of his.

Britta and Julia said...

Marcos is sooo Cute!

I love the tea party pictures! That would be so fun to live by cousins. They're all getting so big!
We loved the Christmas card/letter. Thanks! Your family is beautiful!

Moore Family said...

Cute, cute!

And tell Ruben that I sometimes get "homesick" for Heavenly Father as well. I bet He really loves hearing that sweet little sentiment. Don't we all like to hear when we're missed?

Jana said...

I love the darling things your kids say, Olivia. They are so cute.