Sunday, August 19, 2012

Mumu Sundays and Matching T-Shirts

Lately I've taken to wearing a special mumu on Sundays.  (I hope that is the proper spelling of mumu.  If it's not, I know I can count on some of my dear readership to help me out.  Thank you.)  It all started when Somebody spit up on my Sunday housecoat--I don't want to mention any names or embarrass anybody, but that Somebody who spit up on my Sunday housecoat (you know, the one with the mother-of-pearl snaps) looked an awful lot like this (notice the tell-tell signs of spit-up on his attire):

Anyway, with my Sunday housecoat no longer an option, I got out my mumu.  My grandma gave it to me shortly after Lili's birth.  I stayed with her in Salt Lake while Lili stayed in the hospital for 13 weeks.  The mumu wasn't new with me, but it still looks great.  Since Lili and I got out hair cut this week (while my sister-in-law, Jennifer, kindly kept the boys), I thought you'd like to see a picture of the two of us in our shortened hair and I thought the mumu deserved a little press:
 "Mahona, you ugly!" comes to mind when I wear the mumu.  Not that I feel ugly in it--quite the contrary.  I think nothing makes me feel as lovely as wearing this roomy article of clothing--unless it's wearing my Sunday housecoat (you know, the one with mother-of-pearl snaps).  I guess I feel more like Mahona at the end of the story when her confidence is high, thanks to Johnny Lingo paying eight cows for her.

Ammon was very impressed with his first exposure to the mumu.  When I came out of my room in it, he said, "Wow, Mom!  Shirt!"  Shirt is his word for any article of clothing.  Since he loves the mumu so much, I think I'll wear it when he's a teenager and brings his football team (he seems the most built for football of my boys) home for pizza.  I hope he'll still say, "Wow, Mom!"

Now, to the matching t-shirts.  I always thought it would be fun to have more than one girl and dress them in matching dresses.  My two sisters and I had a lot of matching dresses--I know because as the youngest I wore those dresses year after year after year.  The dresses grew with me.  Since we couldn't do matching dresses, we decided to do matching striped t-shirts for all five of our little pumpkins:

They really love doing these head shots, as you can tell.  Happy Sunday!  May you rest from your labors in a mumu.


Thelma said...

You and Lili are gorgeous girls. She's lucky to look so much like her mama. The whole group is lucky to have a mumu wearing mama.

Britta and Julia said...

Ditto to what Thelma said. Your kids are so adorable. Love that last picture! Lili IS pretty lucky to have a Mama like you.

Moore Family said...

I desperately need a mumu. Seriously, it's a new mission of mine. Love yours, lovely lady!