Sunday, May 20, 2012

Look Who's Here!

Welcome to the world, baby boy!  I had been praying my water would break and it did on Tuesday morning at 2:25 (PDT).  Edgar and I, despite a few hiccups (low tires on two different cars), rushed to Salt Lake City.  We got there at 7:00 (MDT--that's fun to include) and began our wait for non-emergency, non-scheduled c-sections.  Dr. Draper arrived around 11:00 and our dear Omar Rafael Cobian was born at 12:48 (again MDT--it is Mountain Daylight Time, right?  Correct me if I'm wrong...).  The umbilical cord was tied in a complete knot and wrapped around his neck twice.  That's news to all of you--I forgot to tell anyone that.  We also forgot my bag of dirty clothes and my sandals--left them all at the hospital.  I had to call last night and this morning after them.  I had assumed Edgar had taken the sandals home and I came home in socks and no shoes yesterday.  In sum, I've been forgetful.
Omar, when I finally got out of surgery and got to hold him.  He really is the sweetest baby ever.  He weighed exactly 7 pounds and when they got around to measuring him (it was Thursday) he was 20 inches long.  He is our biggest baby yet.
Edgar, Me, and Sweet Omar--this picture was taken yesterday (Saturday) right before we left the hospital--and several personal belongings--behind.
As soon as we got home, the kids were all fighting over who got to hold Omar first.  They all got a turn, except Ammon.  I got Ammon set up with my nursing pillow and tried to put Omar on his lap.  "No, no, no, no, no."  He did not want to hold his baby brother.  Later I was holding Omar and I asked Ammon if he wanted to touch his head.  "No, no, no, no, no."  This morning as soon as Ammon got up, though, his first question was "Baba?"  Maybe he wondered if Baba's existence was just a bad dream.  I showed him where Ruben was holding Omar, and again Ammon did not want to touch him.  When Edgar and the four big kids got home from church, Ammon wondered about Baba again.  I took him in to where Omar was sleeping and Lili helped him up on a chair so he could peek in.  Omar is sleeping in the bassinet that my Grandma Jaynes used for her five kids and that my mom used for her six kids.  Each of my five kids have used it.
Some of the Cobian Men.  I'm counting on Marcos to break with the wicked Cobian family tradition of not smiling for the camera--especially if you're male.  Maybe that's why we have been blessed with so many boys--so we can break the evil chains that have long held Cobian men captive to cameras.
Ruben will probably help break that chain too.
I'm not sure yet if Omar will be a photo-smiler or not.

I've got a lot of hope in the rest of them though.  Excuse our immodesty.  Lili's favorite pants all have holes in the knees and Ammon didn't mean to show his tummy.


Moore Family said...

What a doll baby! Congratulations! Those are five cute, cute kids.

Thelma said...

Lovely. I am looking forward to seeing all SEVEN Cobians!

Brenda said...

Congratulations! He is precious!

Britta and Julia said...

I love the one of all your kids on the couch. Such cute kids (holes and all).
Omar is sooo cute! Ammon is such a cute boy. He looks so grown up.
As for the rest of your kids, they are growing up so good looking and smart. Here's to breaking the Cobian tradition of not smiling. Your kids have such cute smiles!
Love you all!

Hannah Stevenson said...

Man alive you make beautiful children! GOOD WORK...he is just breath-taking (and so are you in that house coat I might add). I love you and can't wait to meet little Omar in July!

Jennifer said...

I love all of the pictures ... and all 5 (FIVE!) of those sweet kids.

Megan said...

I don't think I even knew you were having another one! Congrats. Such a beautiful little guy.

Jana said...

Congratulations, Olivia! Omar is SO cute. I loved hearing your birth story. I'm excited for you to have a brand new baby in your home.