Sunday, May 6, 2012

Oh, Never Mind!

I am so terrible at technology.  Someone like me should not be allowed to have a blog.  There will be no pictures this week. 

This week we went to Salt Lake.  I had my baby doctor appointment, bought a new (to us--we got it used through double jogging stroller (don't worry--I'm not taking up jogging, those strollers are just the only way to walk with babies on our gravel road), and took the kids to the "This Is The Place" Heritage Park.  Lili was very excited about the petting zoo and the pony rides.  Ruben couldn't have cared less about the animals, but was very excited for the real train on real tracks.  The real train won't be open until Memorial Day, but we got on the train that goes like a car and I asked Edgar to take a picture. 

I had already made Edgar go back to the car for the camera and the stroller and I thought how lovely some pictures of our darling children and their pregnant mother would be on my blog.  Edgar dutifully took the picture and we posed.  Then the camera flashed the warning that there was no card in it.  I was devastated.  I remembered that I had left our camera's card in the computer after my last brilliant blog post that included pictures from my camera.

I was pretty sad, but then I remembered my cell phone.  I have hardly ever taken pictures with my cell phone and I think we ought to keep it that way.  Ruben is not an animal person.  He didn't want to touch any animals--he didn't even want to ride a pony.  Lili and Marcos went on two pony rides each.  Ammon liked the idea of a pony ride, but when we hoisted him up to get on, he clung to Edgar and cried.  He liked the other animals though.  I dutifully took pictures of the kids with my cell phone.  We went to the playground which was more to Ruben's liking.  There were three moms there with their preschool-aged kids.  Ruben took command of the big wooden train that was there.  It was stationary, but that didn't stop Ruben's fertile imagination.  He called "All ABOARD!" to the smaller children and periodically ordered them off the train because of obstacles.  Then he would get out, survey the situation, change the track, or whatever he deemed necessary.  Fortunately the other kids (and their moms) were okay with our school-age train driver calling all the shots.  Marcos found a white cap at the playground and decided he needed to wear it to be the train conductor (we left it where he'd found it and so far, no lice).  Lili kept track of Ammon and played with little girls in the playhouses.  Edgar and I sat on a bench in the shade and enjoyed laughing at our children.  I did get up now and again to take some pictures of them.

That brings us to now.  I just spent a lengthy amount of time trying to access my pictures from my cell phone and upload them to this blog.  I couldn't get it to work.  Maybe it's because I blocked the internet from our cell phones after Ammon got on the internet while playing with my phone.  He racked up charges that we didn't realize we had.  So I have pictures, and I could send them to both of you, my readers, in a text message, but we might rather wait.

Since Ruben was disappointed with the lack of a real train ride (last time he went there, he loved the train so much he decided he would be the new train driver after the lady that was driving that day dies--not that we wish that on her, bless her heart), we ended up getting a year's membership to the park.  We were able to apply that day's admission to our membership and the annual membership wasn't much more than visiting two times would be.  So we will go back to that park.  We'll take our camera (and the card).  I won't be pregnant in the pictures--not a bad thing--and you can see our darling children with animals and trains.  What could be better?


Thelma said...

I will keep my phone nearby all day in case you text me those pictures. You know I love pictures of you, pregnant.

Britta and Julia said...

Great update even with out pictures. Love hearing about all your adventures!