Sunday, June 3, 2012


Look at this boy--growing up way too fast. He had company come this week (two sets of Cobian aunts & uncles) so I dressed him in this cute little duck outfit.  It says "I'm a lucky ducky on it."  I wish it came in Edgar's size.  He would love to wear something like that--especially to match the baby.  I think yellow is a good color for Omar.

Also this week we went to Utah for my post partum visit.  It was a very long day--we left at 5:40 am and got home at 10:30 pm.  We took the kids to This Is the Place Park.  The train was not working (poor Ruben), but we liked the flowers.

The kids also got to pan for gold.

It has been so hot (I'm so grateful to not be pregnant in the heat!) and the kids love running through the sprinklers (often the younger two do this without bothering to change clothes which makes for a lot of laundry).

Happy Summer!


Thelma said...

You don't have to get all braggy about summer. It is currently 47 degrees and misty. People that have summer already are rude.

I love that you're blogging now so I can see your adorable kids. Omar is so cute and his expression in the second picture looks like how Edgar would look if you got him an outfit like that.

Omar is a lucky duck to have you for a mom.


Jana said...

Omar is so cute, Olivia. We are having a boy, too! That will make us 3 boys, 2 girls (the same family I had growing up). I think this "little" guy might just be my biggest yet - at least that is what my belly is telling me. I'm so glad you are enjoying your sweet newborn so much. Sending love!

Britta and Julia said...

Omar is growing up so fast!
It looks like your kids are taking full advantage of the summer sun/sprinkler. That's basically how to get through the hot summer isn't it? We're going to be spending a lot of time at the pool, and playing with our water toys for sure!

Hannah Stevenson said...

YOU my dear are a trooper! Sounds like a long day but you just take it in stride. Those kids are SO CUTE and I love the ducky outfit.